Trainings & Consultation
Training teachers and early childhood staff is a favorite element of my work. My training approach is to build sessions to include content, guided practice with feedback, and reflection. I intentionally plan and model the skills that educators can use in their classrooms. I embed discussions and prompts about equitable practices; building our "toolboxes" of social-emotional skills is more powerful when we consider each and ever child and family. And of course, there are plenty of real-life examples and humor mixed in. Trainings should feel like a chance to learn, connect, and laugh a little, just like a day in the classroom. For more information on trainings with me, check out Teacher Created Materials.
Incidental to Intentional: Teaching Social-Emotional Skills to Young Children
Description: This training includes introducing two frameworks, both featured in my book, to help educators plan intentional instruction and coach children through emotional moments and problems.
Audience: early childhood educators, instructional coaches, and others providing direct support to young children
Length: 3 hours
Coaching with Confidence in the Early Childhood Classroom
Description: This training focuses on individualizing coaching for adult learners and connecting social-emotional practices to teachers' values. The session includes activities to support coaches in connecting with educators and extending their learning. It embedding elements of several coaching models, including Coaching with Powerful Interactions and Practice-Based Coaching.
Audience: instructional coaches or administrators who serve as program coaches
Length: 4 hours (can be split into two sessions)

Coaching Young Children through Problems (For Families)
Description: This training includes introducing a framework of best social-emotional practices to help families coach children through emotional moments and problems, including brainstorming to walk through home problems.
Audience: parents of young children
Length: 1.5 hours, virtual training
Choose Your Own Adventure
Description: This training involves working with your program to combine elements of different trainings to meet the needs of your staff. This could look like training around specific social-emotional areas (e.g., supporting young children with problem solving) or modifying existing trainings to a different audience (e.g., a family engagement workshop about social coaching at home).
Audience: to be identified by your program
Length: to be identified by your program